July 15, 2012

Blogging Again

Last summer my computer died. This wasn’t as dire as it seems, since I had backed up most of my information, and because the geniuses at Apple got it going again. What hadn’t backed up, however, was my secret sticky note that contained my log-ins for various websites I use, including this one. And because I hadn’t blogged much, I forgot how to get in. My usual Google log-in didn’t work because of some glitch with the school account, and I’d set up another account, which I’d forgotten. Sigh.

Sitting in front of the Atomic Learning Blogging (www.atomiclearning.com/k12/blogging) course today sent me in a direction that solved my problem. I found my username and tried a password that successfully gave me access to my blog, so I am ready to go again. I’ll be trying out some new things from the course, and hopefully I’ll be a better blogger because of it.

So get ready, I’m set, let’s go!

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